Thursday, May 8, 2008

I need this gig

This is my little brother Keith (chillin' with Gavin). I have been living vicariously through him for about a two years now. He works for Starkey, a hearing aid company, which also has a foundation that donates a lot of money, time and hearing aids around the world.

Keith is part of the Sales/PR team and gets to do some pretty amazing things like traveling around the US for different functions, parties at the Playboy mansion, fishing in Alaska, meeting the president, driving Warren Buffet to and from the airport.............and his latest round of excitement.

Being a chauffer for and having breakfast with Arnold Palmer.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Over a month....sorry

It's been over a month since my last post. No excuses, just not feeling the need to blog.

A lot has happened since then.

* Gavin turned the big #1

* The Torkelsons celebrated the arrival of baby Zaila

* Our good friends the Andrea and Jesse had some of the worst possible news given to them in the middle of a pregnancy. They lost their baby.

* Amy and I have been able to get together with several couples in the neighborhood. We have some really genuine people around us and it's been fun getting to know them.

* Finally got to go hang out with our good frinends the Balvins for an evening to catch up, eat, play with the kids and watch hockey.

* I guess.

* The job hunting has turned up nothing thus far

* We have had the carpet in our house replaced. Thanks to Keith and Bret and Amy who all took time to help move furniture.

* Bought 5 pine trees at an auction for the yard and planted them.

* Started playing softball again and hit a homer in my first at bat.

It's been a roller coaster month and we have still landed on our feet. Thanks for all of the friends and family who show Amy and I love and support, we love you too.

Later for now.